quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009

Russell Hitchcock - Discography


* Take Time (1989/2009)
* Russell Hitcock (1987)
* Tennessee (The Nashville Sessions) (2011)

* Is It You?
(Dueto com Rita Coolidge, 1995)
* I Am Australian
(Dueto com Judith Durnham, 1997)
* Caught In Your Web
(Versão alternativa - trilha sonora do filme "Arachnofobia", 1990)
* Swear To Your Heart
(Trilha sonora do filme "Arachnofobia", 1990)
* De Todos Modos
((Dueto com Ednita Nazario, 1991)

3 comentários:

michaeldila disse...

Where can i find the single version of “swear to your heart”?? Thank you!

michaeldila disse...

Hi tony, can you share with me the song “swear to your heart (single version)”? Please. My email is mastrbakr@outlook.com. Thank you! Regards, michael

Tony Nascimento disse...

Hey, Michael! Oh geez... Only now I read your message here and only by chance. I rarely check out this page cause fans never leave any notes here. Well, at least you found me at youtube.com. Cheers!